Home > News and Events > Incidents > Incident Summary, Night shift Wednesday 14th December
To ensure that people are not identifiable from our incident round-up, we will no longer be providing street names for smaller towns and villages, where incidents have occurred.
Crews from Summerbridge and Lofthouse responded to a report of a fire in the open seen from an aircraft, crews carried out an extensive search of the area and no fire was found.
Crews from Richmond and Colburn attended a report of a fire near a property, on arrival this was found to be a disused caravan being broken down for scrap which has been accidentally ignited by welding equipment. Crews used two breathing apparatus, two hose reel jets, thermal imaging camera and lighting to extinguish the fire.
Crews from Sherburn attended a report of a male trapped by the leg under a vehicle, on arrival the crews found a three vehicle road traffic collision with all persons released from in and under the vehicle. Crews made assessments of walking wounded and carried out scene safety until arrival of other emergency services.
A crew from Malton assisted one lady who had fallen and could not get back up due to a medical condition from the floor to a sofa, crew power used.
A crew from Scarborough assisted with scene safety after some minor collisions due to the snow, no persons trapped or injured.
A crew from Northallerton assisted ambulance to move a male casualty from a building and into care of ambulance crew using crew power.
Crews from Colburn and Darlington responded to a report of a vehicle fire, the abandoned vehicle was well alight on arrival of crews, hose reels used,
A crew from Acomb attended a report of an alarm sounding this was a false alarm due to a fault on the system.
A crew from Northallerton attended the hospital to remove a ring from the finger of a male using ring cutter.
A crew from Tadcaster attended a report of an alarm sounding this was a false alarm due to a faulty detector head.
A crew from Acomb assisted paramedics to move a casualty from a property and into an ambulance using crew power.
A crew from Settle attended a report of a fire in the open, this was a bonfire left unattended, the crew used beaters and shovels to extinguish the fire
A crew from Lofthouse carried out an assessment on a lady who had fallen and assisted her back to bed.
A crew from Huntington attended a report of an alarm sounding this was a false alarm crews carried out a thorough external search and no sign of fire was found.
A crew from Knaresborough attended a report of an alarm sounding this was a false alarm activation was due to steam from a pressure cleaner.
Skipton assisted Ambulance parmedics by gaining entry to a property using small tools.
Scarborough also assisted Ambulance paramedics in gaining entry to a property using small tools.
Fire crews from Skipton and Grassington, along with an officer in attendance at a fire within an industrial unit. Crews entered wearing breathing apparatus and used two hose reels to extinguish the fire. Crews remain in attendance at this time, damping down.
Knaresborough and Ripon crews responded after a report of a fire in the living room of a domestic property. No persons involved. Fire out on arrival. Crews inspected and checked with a thermal image camera to ensure no further fire spread.
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