Scope of work involves the construction of Aquero Blvd. and related public improvements to receive acceptance by and satisfy the City of Laredo. These items include, but are not limited to the following:
Mobilization, excavation and embankment (30% factor), haul of excess material (30% factor), 6″ moisture conditioned subgrade, 14″ caliche base (Ty. 8, Gr 1 or 2), Geogrid-Tensor Tx5, Type “A” Curb & Gutter, Type “A” Reverse Curb & Gutter, Type “8” Reverse Curb & Gutter, Prime Coat MC 30, Tac coat, 2″ HMAC Type “D”, 2.5″ HMAC Type “B”, 12′ concrete shared use path, 8″ caliche (access rd & cul d sac);
Remove and dispose asphalt, 9″ concrete pavement (driveways & end cap), 4″ Driveway caliche base (ty b, gr 1 or 2), truncated domes – ada, street light, Type III barricades, 24″ white striping solid, 8″ white striping solid, 8″ white striping broken, 4″ white striping solid, 4″ white striping dotted, 4″ yellow striping solid, white arrow right, white word “only”, white arrow left, white arrow (thru & right), white bike lane symbol;
Post mounted signs (s4-3p) (school) 24×8, post mounted signs (r2-1) (20mph) 24×30, post mounted signs (s4-1p) (schedule) 24×10, post mounted signs (s5-2atp) (end school) 24×10, post mounted signs (s1-1) 36×36, post mounted signs (r2-1) (30 mph) 24×30, post mounted signs (rl-1) (stop) 36×36, post mounted signs (r1-3p) 18×6, post mounted sign (w14-1) 36×36, post mounted sign (w3-1) 36×36, post mounted sign (r3-8tr) 30×30, post mounted sign (r3-8 var) 48×30, post mounted signs (r9-7) 12×18, post mounted signs (r3-17) 24×18, post mounted signs (r3-17ap) 24×8, post mounted signs (r3-17bp) 24×8, post mounted signs (s4-6p} 24×10, post mounted signs (r11-2) (rd closed) 48×30;
Conduit crossing option 1, conduit crossing option 2, conduit crossing option 3, traffic control, 12″ dr14, c900, class 200 pvc, 12″ connection to existing water main, 12″ gate valve, 12″ x 12″ x 611 tee, 12″ x 2″ cap w/ blowoff, 8 11 dr14, c900, class 200 pvc, 8″ gate valve, 8″ 45° bend, 8″ cap, 16″ steel casing (for 8″ wl), fire hydrant assemblies, complete w/ valve, 3″ long double services, 2″ air release valves, 8″ sdr 26 pvc sewer line (O’ – 22′ depth), fiberglass manholes (O ‘ – 12’ depth), connection to existing 8″ sewer line, 8″ cleanoust;
6″ short single services, asphalt street cut (remove and replace), flowable fill for utility backfill, adjust existing 12″ force main & appurtenances, silt fence, construction entrance, curlex sediment Jogs – 6″, concrete washout pit, erosion control blanket – curlex iii, trash/debris container rental, trees, 1.5″ pvc sch. 40 pipe, 1.5″ water meter, irrigation sprinklers, timers for irrigation system, pvc fittings and hardware, backflow preventers, 2-yr water consumption.
First Reported on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 – Last Updated 5/23/2022 8:06:13 AM
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