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Compound Turbo P-pumped 24v Cummins Display Engine
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America's Best Engine Shops 2022 | H&H Flatheads
Compound Turbo P-pumped 24v Cummins Display Engine
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Dry SumpOverhead Camshaft Repair SleevesPiston Pin BushingsPiston Pin Lock RingsPiston PinsPiston RingsPistonsPlugs - ExpansionPlugs - MagneticPlugs - Oil DrainPlugs - StandardPush RodsRadiator/Oil FansRering KitsRestoration Engine PartsRocker Arm Rebuilding ComponentsRocker Assemblies and KitsRocker Stud GirdlesSealsSerpentine BeltsShimsShort BlocksSpark PlugsSpringsSuperchargers, componentsSwitchesTappetsThread RepairThrust WashersTiming Belt/Chain TensionerTiming Belts/ChainsTiming Chains, Gears, SprocketsTiming ComponentsTiming CoversTransmission AdaptorsTurbochargers, componentsValve CoversValve Guide LinersValve GuidesValve KeysValve Lifter BallsValve LiftersValve Locks and SealsValve Seat InsertsValve Spring InsertsValve Spring RetainersValve SpringsValve Stem Oil SealsValve Train PartsValvesWater PumpsWater Tubes Engine Equipment & Preparation Adhesive DispensingAir Flow BenchesAir Handling SystemsBalance Shaft Elimination KitBalance Shaft Line Boring EquipmentBalancing AccessoriesBalancing EquipmentBelt SanderBench GrinderBlock Pressure Testing EquipmentBoring Bar InsertsBoring Bar Tool BitsBoring Machines/Connecting RodBoring Machines/CylinderBoring Machines/LineBoring Stand (For Portable Boring Machines)Brass FittingsBroachBushing Bearing & Seal Driver SetsCAD/CAM SoftwareCam Bearing Installation ToolCamshaft Degree Wheel (Digital)Camshaft GrindersCap & Rod GrinderCBN Inserts - NewCBN Inserts - ResurfacedCleaning Specialized EngineCNC Machining CentersCNC Retrofit KitsCompressed Air EquipmentConnecting Rod GaugesCoolant Filter MachinesCore Shift TesterCrack Repair EquipmentCranesCrankshaft Balance WeightsCrankshaft FurnaceCrankshaft GrindersCrankshaft Journal Weld KitsCrankshaft PolisherCrankshaft Polishing BeltsCrankshaft StraightenerCylinder Head Adapter PlatesCylinder Head Assembly/Disassembly Equip.Cylinder Head Chamfering ToolCylinder Head GaugeCylinder Head HoldersCylinder Head PolishingCylinder Head PortingCylinder Head Pressure TesterCylinder Head StraighteningCylinder Hone StopsCylinder Porting ToolsCylinder Sleeve PressDemagnetizersDiamond DressersDiesel Injector Hole Repair ToolsDiesel Injector Sleeve Installation ToolDowel PullersDye Penetrant InspectionDynamometersEngine Adaptor PlatesEngine Cycle AnalyzerExhaust Leak DetectionFeeler GaugesFlexible Honing Tools/Brush HonesFlywheel GrinderFuel Injection Cleaning ServicesGrinder Head StraighteningGrinding CoolantsGrinding WheelsHardness TestersHead/Block Crack Repair KitsHead/Block Resurfacing (Belt/Sanders)Head/Block Resurfacing (Milling)Heat Tabs Temperature SticksHolding FixturesHone Stop FixtureHoning JigsHoning Machines Wrist PinHoning Machines/CylinderHoning Machines/LineHoning Machines/RodHoning Machines/Valve GuideHoning PlatesHoning StonesIgnition System TestersIn-Process Gauges(Cam and Crank Grinders)Inspection GaugesLeak Down TesterLeveling DeviceMagnetic Particle Inspection Crack DetectionMicropolishing EquipmentOHC Line Boring ToolsOil Leak DetectionPCD Inserts - NewPin Fitting & Rod Reconditioning/TestingPin PressPin RemovalPiston KnurlerPiston Ring CompressorsPre-Cup Machining ToolsPush Rod Guide PlatesReplacement Chuck for Valve FacersRocker Arm GrinderRod AlignmentRod Bolt ProtectorsRod FurnaceRod VisesRun-In StandsStandsStud PullersTapsTest EquipmentThickness GaugeThread GaugesThread Repair & Replacement KitTorque PlatesUltrasonic Test EquipmentVacuum TesterValve Grinding BenchValve Guide & Seat Driver SetValve Guide & Seat MachineValve Guide Boring FixtureValve Guide HoneValve Guide KnurlingValve Guide PilotValve Guide ReamerValve Guide ToolValve Refacer (Cutter)Valve Refacer (Grinder)Valve Refacer WheelsValve Seat CuttersValve Seat InserterValve Seat PullersValve Seat ResurfacerValve Seat Runout GaugeValve Seat Tool GrinderValve Seat WheelsValve Spring CompressorValve Spring TestersValve Stem GrinderValve Stem Height MeasuringValve Stem PolisherWater Tube PullerWet Flow Bench Conversions Supplies & Service Chemicals & SolventsCore Cleaning & ProcessingCranes & HoistsHand ToolsLubricantsPressesServicesShippingStorage Racks & BenchesWelding
Add Your Listing Edit Your Listing By Category Engine Components A/N Fittings/AdaptorsAir Induction SystemsBatteriesBearings (camshaft)Bearings (engine sleeve type)Bearings (main rear main)Bearings (Rod)Belt Tensioner/IdlersBrass FittingsBushingsCam CapsCamshaft Belt DrivesCamshaft KitsCamshaft SealsCamshaft Thrust Plate and PartsCamshaftsCarburetorsChain KitsClampsComplete EnginesConnecting RodsConnecting Rods Nuts BoltsCrankshaft ConversionsCrankshaft KitsCrankshaft Oil SlingersCrankshaft Pulley SleevesCrankshaft Repair SleevesCrankshaft SealsCrankshaftsCylinder Head ComponentsCylinder Heads New: Aluminum BareCylinder Heads New: Aluminum CompleteCylinder Heads New: Cast Iron BareCylinder Heads New: Cast Iron CompleteCylinder Heads Reman: Aluminum BareCylinder Heads Reman: Aluminum CompleteCylinder Heads Reman: Cast Iron BareCylinder Heads Reman: Cast Iron CompleteCylinder Liners (sleeves)Diesel InjectorsDipstick Adapters (Chevy Ford)Dowel PinsEFI ComponentsEngine BlocksEngine Blocks - RemanufacturedEngine KitsEngine Management Systems/ECUsEngine MountsExhaust ComponentsExhaust Components: Complete SystemsExhaust Components: Custom ExhaustsExhaust Components: Leak DetectionExhaust Components: ManifoldsExhaust Components: Tube NotchingExhaust Components: Tube SwagingExhaust Components: Tube/Frame Bending MachinesFilters - AirFilters - FuelFilters - OilFlywheel (ring) GearsFlywheel AssembliesFuel Injection - ElectronicFuel Injection - MechanicalFuel PumpsFuel System ComponentsGasket CementGasketsGear DrivesGovernorsHarmonic Balancer Repair SleevesHarmonic Balancers/DampersHead Bolts/StudsHex ShaftsHydraulic Lash AdjustersIgnition ComponentsInjector TubesInjectors - DieselInjectors - Gasoline DirectInjectors - IndirectIntake ManifoldsIPR ValvesKeysLockwashersMain Caps (4-bolt)Manifold StudsNitrous Oxide Systems, ComponentsNitrous Valves and PlatesNuts and BoltsOil CoolersOil Filter AdaptersOil PansOil Pressure SpringsOil Pump KitsOil Pump ScreensOil Pump ShaftsOil Pump Timing CoversOil PumpsOiling Systems; Dry SumpOverhead Camshaft Repair SleevesPiston Pin BushingsPiston Pin Lock RingsPiston PinsPiston RingsPistonsPlugs - ExpansionPlugs - MagneticPlugs - Oil DrainPlugs - StandardPush RodsRadiator/Oil FansRering KitsRestoration Engine PartsRocker Arm Rebuilding ComponentsRocker Assemblies and KitsRocker Stud GirdlesSealsSerpentine BeltsShimsShort BlocksSpark PlugsSpringsSuperchargers, componentsSwitchesTappetsThread RepairThrust WashersTiming Belt/Chain TensionerTiming Belts/ChainsTiming Chains, Gears, SprocketsTiming ComponentsTiming CoversTransmission AdaptorsTurbochargers, componentsValve CoversValve Guide LinersValve GuidesValve KeysValve Lifter BallsValve LiftersValve Locks and SealsValve Seat InsertsValve Spring InsertsValve Spring RetainersValve SpringsValve Stem Oil SealsValve Train PartsValvesWater PumpsWater Tubes Engine Equipment & Preparation Adhesive DispensingAir Flow BenchesAir Handling SystemsBalance Shaft Elimination KitBalance Shaft Line Boring EquipmentBalancing AccessoriesBalancing EquipmentBelt SanderBench GrinderBlock Pressure Testing EquipmentBoring Bar InsertsBoring Bar Tool BitsBoring Machines/Connecting RodBoring Machines/CylinderBoring Machines/LineBoring Stand (For Portable Boring Machines)Brass FittingsBroachBushing Bearing & Seal Driver SetsCAD/CAM SoftwareCam Bearing Installation ToolCamshaft Degree Wheel (Digital)Camshaft GrindersCap & Rod GrinderCBN Inserts - NewCBN Inserts - ResurfacedCleaning Specialized EngineCNC Machining CentersCNC Retrofit KitsCompressed Air EquipmentConnecting Rod GaugesCoolant Filter MachinesCore Shift TesterCrack Repair EquipmentCranesCrankshaft Balance WeightsCrankshaft FurnaceCrankshaft GrindersCrankshaft Journal Weld KitsCrankshaft PolisherCrankshaft Polishing BeltsCrankshaft StraightenerCylinder Head Adapter PlatesCylinder Head Assembly/Disassembly Equip.Cylinder Head Chamfering ToolCylinder Head GaugeCylinder Head HoldersCylinder Head PolishingCylinder Head PortingCylinder Head Pressure TesterCylinder Head StraighteningCylinder Hone StopsCylinder Porting ToolsCylinder Sleeve PressDemagnetizersDiamond DressersDiesel Injector Hole Repair ToolsDiesel Injector Sleeve Installation ToolDowel PullersDye Penetrant InspectionDynamometersEngine Adaptor PlatesEngine Cycle AnalyzerExhaust Leak DetectionFeeler GaugesFlexible Honing Tools/Brush HonesFlywheel GrinderFuel Injection Cleaning ServicesGrinder Head StraighteningGrinding CoolantsGrinding WheelsHardness TestersHead/Block Crack Repair KitsHead/Block Resurfacing (Belt/Sanders)Head/Block Resurfacing (Milling)Heat Tabs Temperature SticksHolding FixturesHone Stop FixtureHoning JigsHoning Machines Wrist PinHoning Machines/CylinderHoning Machines/LineHoning Machines/RodHoning Machines/Valve GuideHoning PlatesHoning StonesIgnition System TestersIn-Process Gauges(Cam and Crank Grinders)Inspection GaugesLeak Down TesterLeveling DeviceMagnetic Particle Inspection Crack DetectionMicropolishing EquipmentOHC Line Boring ToolsOil Leak DetectionPCD Inserts - NewPin Fitting & Rod Reconditioning/TestingPin PressPin RemovalPiston KnurlerPiston Ring CompressorsPre-Cup Machining ToolsPush Rod Guide PlatesReplacement Chuck for Valve FacersRocker Arm GrinderRod AlignmentRod Bolt ProtectorsRod FurnaceRod VisesRun-In StandsStandsStud PullersTapsTest EquipmentThickness GaugeThread GaugesThread Repair & Replacement KitTorque PlatesUltrasonic Test EquipmentVacuum TesterValve Grinding BenchValve Guide & Seat Driver SetValve Guide & Seat MachineValve Guide Boring FixtureValve Guide HoneValve Guide KnurlingValve Guide PilotValve Guide ReamerValve Guide ToolValve Refacer (Cutter)Valve Refacer (Grinder)Valve Refacer WheelsValve Seat CuttersValve Seat InserterValve Seat PullersValve Seat ResurfacerValve Seat Runout GaugeValve Seat Tool GrinderValve Seat WheelsValve Spring CompressorValve Spring TestersValve Stem GrinderValve Stem Height MeasuringValve Stem PolisherWater Tube PullerWet Flow Bench Conversions Supplies & Service Chemicals & SolventsCore Cleaning & ProcessingCranes & HoistsHand ToolsLubricantsPressesServicesShippingStorage Racks & BenchesWelding
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ByEngine Builder Staff on Sep 27, 2022
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With all the winning and global interest, the RB platform saw an incredible amount of growth in aftermarket support and OE performance applications. Nissan produced one of the biggest icons ever to hit the racing scene!
The RB engine platform has been around since the mid-‘80s (1985) and ended production in 2004 as a global platform. With new markets opening in the western United States, the RB engine is hot on the scene again. The legal import of Nissan Skyline GTRs is a huge business as well, now that anyone wanting a piece of Japanese muscle can have their slice of JDM fandom.
RB engines have been a holy grail of sorts for a huge cult of owners, followers and fans alike. Nissan raced the RB engines in a multitude of classes from works teams to private teams competing for the top spot in the racing world. RB engines were so potent that the Skyline GTRs were dominating the circuits.
With all the winning and global interest, the RB platform saw an incredible amount of growth in aftermarket support and OE performance applications. Nissan produced one of the biggest icons ever to hit the racing scene!
My shop, Engineered Performance, is a Nissan race engine machine shop specializing in RB and VG engines. We are widely known for the VG platform, but since the Skylines (R32 and 33) are legal for import now, we have been incredibly busy doing a lot of RB engine work. Many of our RB engine builds go in street cars, but we do have a few that actively road race their GTR for some spirited driving. With this new platform hitting the United States, the cars are getting setup/built for more street/strip-type driving as well.
In this article, I want to discuss some of the things to look for when you are having your RB engine machined and/or built. It is important not to skimp on buying quality manufactured parts. There are a lot of companies out there that can supply you with what you may need or are looking for, but I urge you to consult with your engine builder or machinist before opening your wallet. I cannot suggest this enough.
It’s widely known that oiling is a huge issue with the RB platform. Every platform has its own quirks or pitfalls, but the RB really has an oiling issue with oil recovery and oil supply. Supply issues for the majority are remedied with a wide selection of wet sump oil pumps. Manufacturers such as Tomei, HKS and many others offer their own versions of an upgraded oil pump. The oil pump drive on the RB crankshafts for some suffer from a short drive section, which caused massive issues with the oil pumps.
Cracked gears, stripped oil pumps, etc., were happening as well, so a design change was made for a longer drive section. This worked well, but as aftermarket support and racing pushed the platform further, the RB suffered even more under higher loads and sustained racing. A solution was made that mimics Toyota’s 2JZ in the way of a spline drive. A good machine shop should be able to install this product onto your short or long-drive RB crank. If you are wanting to make a fair amount of horsepower and torque, it is a must have.
We install quite a few spline drive kits for clients, and it is a mandatory upgrade for anyone who commissions us to build them an RB, especially if they are maintaining a wet sump setup. Also, do not forget to get your cast pan updated with a new and larger sump for added oil capacity and supply. You have a wide selection to choose from, Garage 101, Greddy and many others are available, and are a requirement if you jump up to an upgraded oil pump.
The larger pumps flow more, which means they also scavenge more, so the risk of drying up the factory pan is a real problem. The rule of thumb is a new, upgraded oil pump needs a larger oil sump as well. And don’t forget to make sure you have your machinist or engine builder port the oil pump too. Just because it is an upgraded oil pump does not mean it is at its full potential, so be sure to have the pump reworked some.
With a long 7 main journal setup, the crankshaft has its challenges in keeping itself housed in the block. With an AWD system tugging at the engine all the time, the block begins to feel some of the stress. A workable solution is a billet main cap kit. We install this standard on all engines that are geared to make over 550whp. The longer the crank the easier it is to flex and move. The factory cast iron girdle is extremely weak and the only way to fixture the crankshaft correctly is to put a billet main cap kit on the block. The cap kit also includes a block brace. This ties both the main cap system as well as the pan rails together to make the block much more ridged and secure. We also upgrade the main studs from an M10 stud to an M12. This is a significant upgrade and we have assemblies making well into the 4-digit power range using this setup.
Billet cranks are a great idea if you are planning to push some serious power. Callies makes a top-tier billet crank offering that is the best around from our perspective. A full counterweight crankshaft with aero shed processing and straight shot oiling is available in both lightweight and heavy-weight counterweight setups. Stroker options are available too. We’ve used some lightweight, full counterweight versions and they fit the bill every time.
Another thing to consider is going to a dry sump setup if you are really planning to make north of 800whp. The best kit we have come across is the Kiwi CNC billet dry sump pan and modular front differential. Yes, you can keep the AWD and yes, it is a little pricey, but this product offering covers a lot and looks good while doing it. A modular front differential makes installation much easier too. We rebuild a lot of RB front differentials and while we developed custom fixtures to handle this sort of job, doing the job on an isolated differential makes this a lot easier to manage, so consider a dry sump if you are really looking to push the boundaries.
Focusing a bit on some of the things we do for the RB, a few details we like to make sure are done is full plug removal on the block. There are quite a few oil plugs on the RB block and head, so getting these removed and converted to using a pipe plug is important. This step not only allows you to clean the oil galley out, but it makes it a serviceable area of the engine. This detail shows the clients that we did our job to be sure all areas of the block and head were cleaned internally. We do this with the crankshafts as well. Removing all intersecting hole press-in plugs on the crank ensures the crankshaft is put back into service completely free of old oil and debris hidden inside.
Torque plate honing is also a must and should always be utilized when your RB block is getting the bores resized for new pistons. Bores can distort over .0015”-.002” with a torque plate fitted, so it is crucial to have this item fixtured to your block to simulate the stresses to ensure the bores are honed as straight as possible. Failure to do so will result in poor ring seal, blow by, decreased compression and oil consumption.
We use a lot of cryo treatment on our engines as well. We only trust Controlled Thermal Processing for all our cryo needs. We do this simply because cryogenics on race engine parts is proven to increase both durability and longevity on engine parts, and an unlimited array of parts outside of the engine too. If you are looking to put a serious insurance policy on your parts, cryo treatment should be a no brainer. We process as much as we can, but our standard is cryo treating rotating assembly parts at a minimum. We find that our coatings perform better on the bearings and pistons because of it. Our crankshafts produce less harmonics under dynamic conditions and the rods and rod bolts get a much longer shelf life than without this process. Bottom line, if you are looking to safeguard your investment, cryo treatment should be an integral part of your build plan.
There is so much we could discuss when it comes to the RB platform, but I don’t want to take away from what could be discussed with your own engine builder or customer. Every build is going to be different and the needs, wants and goals will change as well. Take the time to talk with your machine shop, engine builder and engine calibrator to ensure you are buying the best you can buy for your application. I cannot stress this enough to customers. As an engine builder and machinist, I will only suggest what I am comfortable using and doing for someone’s project. We are happy with any direction our clients take their cars, we just want to ensure we build them to withstand the rigors they intend to put them through and survive. EB
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